What is the FOPThe Fraternal Order of Police was founded on May 14, 1915. The FOP is the largest police organization in the world with over 310,000 members. Additionally, it is the largest police organization in the State of Florida, representing over 24,000 law enforcement officers. Unlike other police organizations, the FOP membership is comprised solely of sworn law enforcement and corrections officers. Under FOP, each local lodge decides for itself whether to engage in collective bargaining, legal defense, or function solely as a social, professional organization. The FOP is the voice of our nation's law enforcement officers.
Who We AreThe Fraternal Order of Police, West Palm Beach Lodge 2 was chartered months after the Florida State Lodge was chartered by the Grand Lodge in 1950. FOP, West Palm Beach Lodge 2 is the state's oldest operating lodge. FOP West Palm Beach, Lodge 2 is affiliated with FOP District 4. Through the political process, the FOP is responsible for a number of accomplishments: Law Enforcement and Corrections Officer Bill of Rights, Collective Bargaining for Public Employees, Minimum standards, and training for law enforcement and corrections officers, Salary incentive programs for law enforcement officers, Criminal Code revisions to meet changing needs, Mandatory sentences for crimes involving firearms, and Preservation of state and municipal pension plans
Who We RepresentThe Fraternal Order of Police, West Palm Beach Lodge 2 is the state-certified Collective Bargaining Unit for West Palm Beach police officers, sergeants, lieutenants, captains and civilian employees. The local lodge is the backbone of the FOP and will be at the forefront of any fight to protect and advance its members and the police profession. The Fraternal Order of Police provides its members with legal defense arising from their actions as police officers, and union representation in the grievance procedure. FOP Lodge 2 continues to donate to many local charities and youth athletic programs in the greater West Palm Beach area.
The Fraternal Order of Police continues to grow because it is a member-driven organization. The Fraternal Order of Police are proud professionals working on behalf of law enforcement officers here in West Palm Beach, across the State of Florida, and throughout the country.